About Dr. Thompson

My Books

From Both Ends Of The Stethoscope: Getting through breast cancer – by a doctor who knows

About Me

I’m a medical doctor. I worked in the NHS for many years, and now I work in the pharmaceutical industry, developing new medicines.

A few years ago I had breast cancer. It was a life–changing experience, surprisingly not all bad, and I would like to share it with you.

I was treated under the UK NHS. I received excellent care and will always be grateful. Many things went smoothly. As with most areas in life, some things didn’t.

Even with my professional background, I struggled to understand what was happening, and how to challenge when things weren’t right.

It made me realise how much harder it must be for people without a medical background.

I believe everything in life happens for a reason. Getting cancer has given me an insight of what it is like to have life-threatening illness. 

I have lots to share with you: 

  • My personal experience of cancer and what it feels like
  • What will happen to you if you have breast cancer—the various appointments, tests and what the results mean, and the various treatments you may experience
  • How to navigate the NHS hospital system
  • What to do if you think things are going wrong
  • The science of cancer is explained
  • Medical research is demystified to help you assess the validity of the various newspaper and internet claims for ‘Cancer cures’
  • Positive and negative effects of lifestyle on cancer risk are explained
  • Some alternative treatments are discussed

I hope you enjoy the book and it helps you in whatever way you need.


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To read medical articles written by Dr Kathleen Thompson, please visit this page.

Articles about Dr Kathleen Thompson can be found under Press Coverage.